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Camelot (Future Battles Book 1) (English Edition)

Autor: T. Lakin
Ranking en Amazon: #1054427 (ayer: #1054266)
Páginas: 144

Starting very loosely based on the video game, Battlefield 3, Camelot is a near-future war novel set around the United States, Asia, and the Middle East. Four characters will play a big role in how World War Three will pan out, Erik Bilson, Alex Lakin, Johnathan Roark, and Nikolai Gorbachev. The Future Battles series also begins the idea of T. Lakin's "Angels" which are a focal point of attention in the soon-to-be Drop Zone series.
Dive into the story and follow each and every character closely. Adapt to the changing flow of battle with the characters, overcome the differences with them, and show remorse when their time comes to an end. Future Battles is a series focusing on not who is involved in WWIII, nor the major battles. It focuses more on the mindsets of the soldiers and how well they overcome their hardships.
Gamers - This series is meant for you as it combines several elements from popular action-shooter video games!

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