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I Tried To See It Your Way: A Baby Boomer On The Cusp (English Edition)

Autor: Marie Montroy
Ranking en Amazon: #0 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 129

Shelley is a Certified Emotional Life Coach and Hypnotherapist who has personally experienced many of the horrors that can come at the hands of others because of some mythical belief system but proves how resilient we truly are and how spiritually, sooner or later, we always choose our Higher Self.
She has spent her entire life searching for a great deal of many answers to the things that truly matter in life, happy and healthy relationships. Loving and respecting oneself is first and foremost.
Shelley uses in depth research and firsthand experience to reach the reader and impress upon some very valuable and important issues that affect women daily. It is done in a refreshingly open and honest manner.
Some of us had difficult and traumatic childhoods and we carry the results of those experiences into our lives as adults. We try many things to help us ? therapy, anti-depressants and the likes. Sometimes they work. Sometimes we like to think they do and sometimes we just continue to suffer.
Letting go of our past and examining our individual belief systems are key to our happiness yet seemingly difficult. Shelley enjoys helping others learn just how easy it is and discover their own life altering ?shifts? and hope they share what they have learned with others, so they too may benefit.

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