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Murder and Mayhem in Jefferson County (NY) (English Edition)

Autor: Cheri L. Farnsworth
Ranking en Amazon: #0 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 128

Jefferson County, located in New York's beautiful North Country, has a dark and violent past. During the long winter months, it was not the cold that was feared, but rather the killers. In 1828, Henry Evans committed a crime so brutal that the location in Brownsville is still called "Slaughter Hill." A real-life "Little Red Riding Hood," eleven-year-old Sarah Conklin met someone far worse than a wolf on her way home from school in 1875. And in 1908, Mary Farmer, a beautiful young mother, hacked her neighbor to death and was sent to the electric chair. Author Cheri L. Farnsworth has compiled the stories of the most notorious criminal minds of Jefferson County's early history.

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