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Bestiary: Three Weird Tales (English Edition)

Autor: Nicholas P. Oakley
Ranking en Amazon: #0 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 29

Bestiary: Three Weird Tales is a collection of short stories by author Nicholas P. Oakley, featuring:

Bestiary - A lonely harvester driver on a remote planet happens upon a wild beast that he adopts as a companion, but the relationship isn?t all that it seems?

The Chattel?s Court - When a woman wakes up from cryo, the world around her has changed beyond all recognition, and she finds herself on trial for her life for a crime she doesn?t even remember committing.

The Cat-catcher - Mr. Black recounts his time as the sole cat-catcher on a terraforming project with a very unique cat problem.

With terrorist vegans, blossoming cats, vengeful cows and mythical companions, the three animal tales in this menagerie will unnerve, unsettle and excite you.

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