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La Espera

Autor: Maite Alba
Ranking en Amazon: #0 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 15

La Espera - The Wait

Había pasado un año desde que se vieron por última vez. Ambos habían seguido adelante con sus vidas reales. Pero nunca dejó de pensar en el otro. Y ahora estarían juntos. Por una noche. Y lo cambiaría todo?

It had been one year since they last saw each other. They had both continued on with their real lives. But they never stopped thinking of the other. And now they would be together. For one night. And it would change everything?

Fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You will love this spicy hot romance series with strong, independent women and sexy alpha heroes.

Warning: This story contains hot and heavy action, spicy descriptions, and sultry times. Read at your own risk...or delight!

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