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The Secret Method for Growing Younger: A Step-by-Step Process Using the Law of Attraction to Help You Stop Aging, Grow Younger & Enjoy Life (English Edition)

Autor: Ellen Wood
Ranking en Amazon: #460753 (ayer: #460427)
Páginas: 140

YOU DON'T HAVE TO GROW OLD. You can regain the vitality, strength, flexibility, mental alertness and passion of youth - and even look younger! Author Ellen Wood is living proof. In this truly life-changing book, Ellen teaches her proven formula for using the Law of Attraction to awaken a new, vibrant, younger you, and shares her experience of creating this program to reverse her own decline into ?predictable? old age.

Ellen?s step-by-step youthfulness instructions guide you to:
Examine your perceptions about aging and explore your fears about the losses and changes it might bring

Stop negative programming as it arises and consciously reorient yourself toward the goal of a younger you.

Deliberately create new expectations about who you will become with age.

Recognize how by growing younger and living life more joyfully, you energize and support others to live at their optimum potential as well.

In the book's foreward, C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, writes: "Ellen Wood has integrated this century of positive thinking and its effect upon health to the next level: its power not only to retard aging but to reverse it!" Others who have endorsed this book include internationally-acclaimed authors/speakers Marianne Williamson and Barbara DeAngelis PhD, and world-renowned physicians/authors David Simon MD, Medical Dtr. of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing; Larry Dossey MD; Richard Moss MD; and Mitchell Gibson MD.

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