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Insula de Verum: Act One (The Island of Truth Trilogy Book 1) (English Edition)

Autor: Jonas Hyde
Ranking en Amazon: #16000000 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 78

Insula de Verum: Act One is the first part of the Island of Truth Trilogy by Jonas Hyde. In 1790, a cartographer finds himself shipwrecked on the Island of Truth. Not only must he face the hardships of the elements that forced him there, but also the demons within his own mind. An epic narrative detailing a man?s journey to save himself from the cruelties of the world against him, Insula de Verum will enthrall you from its opening.

Ranking actual: #16000000 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #16000000
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #16000000 (el día 22/12/2021)

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