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Saga del Mesías Rojo: Edición Especial

Autor: Sergio Tapia
Ranking en Amazon: #53029 (ayer: #50226)
Páginas: 344


Julia survivor of the attacks of March 11, lost her husband and son. After a year of therapy, some coincidences put it on notice and begins to tie up loose ends. Only to discover that her husband was not who he claimed to be and that he had cheated throughout their marriage.
His world turns to collapse.

Meanwhile in Madrid, the Windsor Tower fire. Witnesses observed meandering shadows behind the windows of intermediate plants. Strange encounters exchanged stolen papers.
  Murderers come from the Middle East, secret societies and a deadly mystery.

Julia begin a perilous journey of discovery that will take on a desperate flight towards the truth through Egypt, Jordan, India and beyond, to the enigmatic and reach Nepal Himalaya.

Julia travel in the footsteps of the secret code of Revelation, which was forged under arcane and ancient Sumerian ruins buried under the hot desert sands.

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