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Villette (Annotated with Critical Essay and Biography) (English Edition)

Autor: Charlotte Brontë
Ranking en Amazon: #16000000 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: S/D

Villette by Charlotte BrontÎ was published in 1853. Aspects of the novel are based on BrontÎís own experiences while living in Brussels (she lived there briefly with her sister, Emily, in 1842, and then again by herself in 1843- 1844).

The protagonist of the novel is Lucy Snowe, a passive and secretive young lady of fourteen. When the novel begins, Lucy is watching Mrs. Bretton (her godmother) and Mrs. Brettonís son, Graham, with a young visitor named Paulina. Paulina, or Polly as she is more commonly called, is taken away by her father, and Lucy leaves soon after that.

This edition is annotated with a critical essay and biography about the life and times of the Bronte family.

Ranking actual: #16000000 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #16000000
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #16000000 (el día 22/12/2021)

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