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Where Hummingbirds Come From Bilingual Spanish-English

Autor: Adele Marie Crouch
Ranking en Amazon: #994000 (ayer: #554844)
Páginas: 48

This delightful little story tells of a young girl's time with her grandmother as she relates to a legend of Where Hummingbirds Come From. Grandmother explains the magic waters and the beauty of this tiny bird. Where Hummingbirds Come From may well become an all-time children's classic and a perfect book for the young reader.

This book was revised on 9/4/2012 so Kindle users can adjust the font size to fit their needs.

Ranking actual: #994000 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #994000
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #994000 (el día 22/12/2021)

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