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Women In The Crosshairs (English Edition)

Autor: MLJ Seifert
Ranking en Amazon: #16000000 (ayer: #0)
Páginas: 9

A Cosmic War has been ongoing before the creation of Time and women are the ones who are and have been targeted from the beginning. Before the Garden of Eden an incredible war was started. The first battle was fought in Heaven with St. Michael victoriously casting Satan and 1/3 of the fallen angels out of Heaven and down to Hell. It is from here that Satan has been working his plan to undo us all, most especially women, oh how he despises them. Read on and have '...eyes open to see...'

Ranking actual: #16000000 / Ranking medio últimos 30 días: #16000000
Máximo ranking alcanzado: #16000000 (el día 22/12/2021)

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